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Homopolymer switches mediate adaptive mutability in mismatch repair-deficient colorectal cancer

Mismatch repair (MMR) deficient cancer evolves through the continuous erosion of coding homopolymers in target genes. Curiously, the MMR genes MSH6 and MSH3 also contain coding homopolymers and these are frequent mutational targets in MMR-deficient cancers. The impact of incremental MMR mutations on MMR-deficient colorectal cancer evolution is unknown. We show that microsatellite instability modulates DNA repair by toggling hypermutable mononucleotide homopolymer runs in MSH6 and MSH3 through stochastic frameshift switching. Spontaneous mutation and reversion modulates subclonal mutation rate, mutation bias, and clonal HLA and neoantigen diversity. Patient-derived organoids corroborate these observations and show that in the absence of immune selection MMR homopolymer sequences drift back into reading frame, suggesting a fitness cost of elevated mutation rates. Combined experimental and simulation studies demonstrate that subclonal immune selection favours incremental MMR mutations. Overall, our data demonstrate that MMR-deficient colorectal cancers fuel intratumour heterogeneity by adapting subclonal mutation rate and diversity to immune selection.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD50000000427 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 53